At Tuanku Bainun Library we supply a lot of different services. Some of them will have specific terms tailored for them. If that is the case, Tuanku Bainun Library's contract with you for that service will be on these terms, supplemented by any terms specific to the service. In the case of any conflict, service specific terms will take precedence. We process personal data in accordance with our privacy policy. As part of this agreement you consent to our doing so. You should read the policy carefully, especially if you have any concerns about your privacy. Warning: unless we have agreed a particular level of service with you, we make absolutely no promises about the quality or existence of any of our services . Please read the sections below and our general exclusion of liability. All use of our web services are subject to our terms for web users. There are further terms if you have signed up for an account with one of our services and, if you have agreed to pay us for a service, please see the additional terms for paid-for services. At the end are some general terms and definitions. If you believe there may be illegal content hosted on our web services please let us know at